What is Dispatcher.NET?

Dispatcher.NET is an External Dispatching software for Run8 Train Simulator V3. Dispatcher.NET is based off of Wabtec's ® Train Management and Dispatch System (TMDS). Dispatcher.NET will bring a new level of realism to the otherwise lacking dispatching features of Run8. With features such as Route stacking, Track Authorities, Prototypical Signal and turnout logic, and much more! 
View Features

Why Dispatcher.NET?

Dispatcher.NET gets it's name from Dispatcher - What you are when you are using the software! And, .NET - from the programming language it is written in (C#, .NET Framework). Run8 is also written using the .NET Framework, so no in-between program is required for Dispatcher.NET to communicate with Run8, resulting in greater performance and responsiveness.

Dispatcher.NET Released!

The First Public Version Of Dispatcher.NET Has Been Released! Create an account now to download!

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements

Recommended Requirements

Development Roadmap

While most of the core features of Dispatcher.NET have been released, some features simply will take too much time to complete. These features will be added as time goes on. This roadmap will provide insights into when certain features are planned to be released. Dispatcher.NET will have a new release every 2 weeks, with new features and other bug fixes. Critical bug fixes will be released as needed.

Name Description Planned Release Date Is In Progress
Statistics A way to keep track of how many operations you have done in Dispatcher.NET, along with an online leaderboard! 12/01/2024
Discord Integrations A suite of integrations to move data from Dispatcher.NET to a discord server 12/01/2024
Smart Mobile Client A view only client to view displays / request authorities on. This is blocked by the Server Project 12/01/2024
Fast Routes Phase 2 Update to Phase 1 - Turnouts will be automatically aligned 12/01/2024


  • Asa Wilcox (R&D, Community Manager)
  • Braden Anderson (R&D, Head Of Quality Assurance)
  • Hyrail Simulations
  • Highball Run8
  • The Fantastic Group Of Beta Testers


Realistic Route Logic
Dispatcher Display Output
Track Authorities
Customizable User Experience
Track Warrants (For non CTC Routes)
Radio Communications (Run8 Chat)
